Michael Walzer (New York, 1935) is one of the most prominent political thinkers of our time. He has published innumerable books and articles about the duties of politics, nationality and ethnicity, and economic justice in the welfare state.
He pleads for a pluralistic vision with regard to politics and morality. His latest projects include a study on tolerance and a project about the history of Jewish political thought. Walzer studied at Cambridge and Harvard and subsequently became a Full Professor at Harvard and Princeton. At present, he works at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton. His most famous books include Spheres of Justice (1983), On Toleration (1997), and Just and Unjust Wars (1977). In light of recent events Just and Unjust Wars has proven more timely than ever justifying the recent Dutch edition of that book: Rechtvaardige en onrechtvaardige oorlogen: Een ethische beschouwing met historische illustraties (Atlas, 2006)